Back Company Introduction

Professional Team

  • Team of Japanese Doctors of Medicine 
  • Doctors' consultant
  • Nutritionists team for
    beauty care 
    • Japan Noguchi Medical Research Institute
      Was established in honor of Noguchi Hideyo, Doctor of Medicine
      The first person obtaining Nobel Prize in Medicine in Japan
      Professional research course for over 25 years
      Collaboration with over 101 medical doctors
      Recommended by over 200 specialized hospitals throughout Japan
      Natural food specially designed for oriental constitution
    • Authoritative expert of healthy metabolism  /  Japan Noguchi Medical Research Institute
      Hiroyuki Abe Doctor of Medicine
      Department of Medicine, Japan Sapporo Medical University, Doctor of Medicine
      Japan Juntendo University, honorary lecturer
      Cleveland Clinic and University of Pennsylvania, resident doctor
      University of Southern California, visiting professor
      Stanford University, visiting professor
    • Japan Noguchi Medical Research Institute
      Yoshihisa Asano Doctor
      Special prescription of dermatological department in Japan
      Affiliated Juntendo Hospital of Department of Medicine, Juntendo University
      Dermatological Department, Affiliated Hospital of Tokyo Jikei University
      Dermatological Department, Eastern Hospital of National ガンセンター Hospital
      Dermatological Department, Affiliated Hospital of Department of Medicine, Gunma University
      Dermatological Department, Affiliated Hospital of Japan Medical University
      Dermatological Department, Rissho Hospital, Rissho Kosei-kai
      Dermatological Department, Keio University Hospital
      Cosmetic Surgery Department, Showa University Hospital
    • Japan Noguchi Medical Research Institute
      Shimizu Doctor
      Neurosurgery guiding doctor and specialist
      Industrial doctor certified by Japan Medical Association
      Sports doctor certified by Japan Sports Association
      Lecturer in Department of Medicine, State University of New York
      Lecturer in National Defense Medical College
      Instructor in Medical Research Department of the same college
      Person in charge of diagnosis and treatment in Self-Defense Force Central Hospital
      General Representative of National Government Officials Mutual Association and Mishuku Hospital
      Once took the post of director of Artage Nishigotanda Clinic
      Director of General Representative of National Government Officials Mutual Association and Stroke Department, Mishuku Hospital
      Special professor of disaster medicine support lecture in Fukushima-ken Medical University
    • Godfather of National Health Food  /  America
      Padma Doctor of Medicine
      President of Padma National Medicine Foundation
      Member of International Society on Immuno-Pharmacology and American Society for Pathology
      Win Thomas Alva Edison Award, the highest honor in the industry
      Now hold the post of member in International Society on Immuno-Pharmacology, American Society for Clinical Pathology, American College of Physicians, and New Jersey Research Parliament, and the president of Padma Natural Medicine Foundation
    • Nutritionist
      Chen Shuyu
      Education background Chung Hwa College of Medical Technology
      Republic of China, 97, senior nutritionist
      Professional Senior Nutritionist No.000044
    • Nutritionist
      Li Shiyu
      Education background Graduated from Department of Food Nutrition, Hungkuang University
      National Senior Nutritionist Certificate, Nutrition No. 005372
      HACCP Food Safety Regulation System Certificate
      Grade C Technician of Chemical Examination, No. 1746510
      Grade C Technician of Bakery Food, No. 2303505
      Grade C Technician of Beauty Care, No. 100-197264
      Germany SCHRAMEK GREEN PEEL Treatment Operation Certificate
    • Nutritionist
      Liao Kangting
      Education background Department of Food Nutrition, Shih Chien University
      Grade C Technician of Bakery Food
      Grade C Technician of Beauty Care