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Shopping QA

"We welcome any types of product and operational inquiries concerning any of our products."

  • How to get coupon for recommending products to friends?
  • The members of Funcare can enter our official shopping website and recommend our products to five friends, and if the friend you recommend to enters our shopping website and buys any product (not limited in the recommended products) successfully, you can get the coupon. If one friend joins us and buys any product, the recommender shall get a NT $100 coupon; if the second friend joins us and buys any product, the recommender shall get a NT $200 coupon; if the third friend joins us and buys any product, the recommender shall get a NT $300 coupon, so if three of them join us and buy any product, the recommender can totally get 3 coupons with the value of NT $600! (It is subject to the E-mail filled at that time, and the value of coupons shall not exceed NT $600.)
    You can see Recommend to Your Friends at the bottom of every product page.
  • When can the coupons be used?
  • The birthday coupons and the membership coupons shall be valid in 30 days after the sending date.
    The coupons for platinum and gold membership upgrade shall be valid in 90 days after the sending date.
    The coupons obtained for sharing use experience, recommending products to friends, or filling in customer satisfaction questionnaire shall be valid in 90 days after the ending date.
  • What is the credit card payment method?
  • At present, the credit card payment method includes "Online Payment" and "Installment Payment", and Visa and Master credit cards can be used for transaction.
    Online payment by credit card: when you fill in the information related to credit card on the checkout page, please make sure the information is full, accurate and correct, so as to facilitate the bank's verification on the credit card information. To protect customers' capital safety, Funcare adopts SSL certificate encryption for the data transmission of online payment to more effectively protect your data security.
  • Can I make installment payment by credit card?
  • If the checkout amount in a single order reaches NT $3,000, you can choose to make the payment in three installments by credit card. At present, three banks including Cathay United Bank, China Trust Bank and Citibank provide the service of credit card installment payment, and the credit card from other banks cannot be used for the moment.
    From November 20th, 2014 to December 20th, 2014, only the credit card in Cathay United Bank can be used for installment payment!
  • What can I do if I haven't received the verification code?
  • When you apply to be our member, we will send you a group of verification code through E-mail. Please make sure the E-mail account you enter are correct, so that you can successfully register to be our member. If you cannot receive the verification code, please mail to us Our customer service staff will give you a reply as soon as possible, and we are sorry for any inconvenience caused by it!
  • I am a member in the old official website, what can I do if I cannot login with my password?
  • The password of members in the old official website has been reset to be your birthday! Please enter your eight-digit birthday, Ex: 19900705, and after entering, you can reset your password in Modify Member Profile in Members Area.