Back Company Introduction

Brand Introduction  /  burne Diet Supplement 

  • Brand Story 
  • International Certification 
  • Clinical literature 
  • Founded in 2008,
    Burner® was originated from the brand founder’s deep thinking of “Health”.During the research and development of medical equipment, few people attaches importance to the concept that “prevention is greater than treatment”.
    A large number of disease is originated from obesity which also cause heavy burden to Taiwan medical system.
    To face up to such troubles, we decide to establish the brand based on the starting point of “prevention medicine”.
    We believe the real health should originate from people themselves, and dedicate to realize the external and internal beauty.
    As the weight management is the first step, Burner® emerges as the times require.
    Modern people get used to the dietary habits of high oil, high salt and high sugar, and in addition with the high-pressure lifestyle the chronic disease has gradually become the largest health killer.
    The expenditure on three highs (high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar) as a result of obesity is the highest in the healthcare expenditure.
    With the basis of "safety, health and science",the concept of clinical studies and scientific evidences,Burner® is an all-around bodybuilding supplementary series products which are developed by the European, American and Japanese authoritative teams and medical doctors,with great persistence and guarantee on ingredients and effectiveness,to solve all kinds of obesity problems.
    Every product is proven by medical and clinical evidences.
    With continuous contribution and efforts, funcare surpasses the like of its kind and uses the most advanced bio-medical technology to establish a brand new value of human health,and guard your health and slimness in an all-around way.
    ■Obtainpatent certification in 143 regions and countries, the highest record in the world
    ■ Natural formula obtainingrecommendation and awards from most hospitals and doctors throughout the world
    ■ funcare burner®four series providingall-round assistance forweight reduction
    funcare burner® Metabolism Series
    Due to busy life, heavy pressure, and lack of time to take exercises, as getting older, the modern people may experience the weakening of metabolism and the growing of weight. funcare burner® Metabolism Series is specially designed for oriental dietary habit - increase satiety, enhance metabolism, improve intestinal tract movement and increase vitality. It is added with the exclusive patent - kelp compound pomegranate (patented Xanthigen enjoyment formula), milk protein hydrolysate (containing AX3peptide), patented Finomate™ EFLA920 green mate extracts, and other patented ingredients manufactured by the highest ranked GMP-PIC pharmaceutical companies. Utilize 100% natural plant extractand Hyperpure® high efficiency extracting technology to distill, separate and extract active ingredientsby a patented quadruple specified process and ensure high purity, high concentration, efficiency and without any residual contaminations.  Before coming into the market, every product must pass the SGS inspection approved by Ministry of Health and Welfare to guarantee the best quality for you.
    funcare burner®Dietary Management Series
    Many office workers always eat out and engage in social activities, which causes unbalance of nutrition, excessive calories in every meal and gradually incontrollable waistline. The nutrition of every meal seems abundant, but they cannot accurately take in the required nutrition, therefore, funcare burner®Dietary Management Series is researched and developed - with the concept of low carbohydrates, low GI, high calcium, high fiber, and eighty percent full to put off gastric emptying, reduce calories, increase satiety, help you to easily obtain the health body shape, block calories and control food with high calories, so that you can easily block calories and manage the required nutrition every day. The manufacture of this product series is supervised by Doctor Kudo Kazuhiko in Japan and funcare research and development team, and as proven by SGS quality inspection, it doesn't contain any non-conforming ingredients such as western medicine and plasticizer etc.
    funcare burner® Bodybuilding Series
    Besides the increase of weight and body fat, obesity also cause the rapid increase of subcutaneous fat. Due to the uneven thickness of fat, the dermal tissues are protruding and cause the cellulite in the appearance. Deeply understanding the women's annoyance caused by such phenomenon, funcare has developed funcare burner® Bodybuilding Series, the body care product suitable for common people - compound slimming essential oil, hyaluronic acid, patented Liporeductyl®, patented Timiline®, high-penetration slimming factor, and other ingredients to improve body firmness, enhance elasticity, strengthen circulation, improve metabolism, and tighten the annoying body parts.
    funcare burner® Sport Series
    Weight reduction is more than the general opinion to lose weight, but reduce the fat in the body and increase the muscle content, and in this way, obesity will no longer occur, the basal metabolic rate will increase, and the three highs (high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar) will reduce. funcare Burner® Sport Series is the sports equipment suitable for the parts easily getting fat by facilitating the muscular movement in the fat parts to burn fat. The series has been proven by experiments in domestic well-known universities, approved by Health Bureau, and certificated as patented invention.
    ■ Safety, Health and Science
    The raw materials of funcare burner® products have obtained multi-national patent certification, met the highest level of quality certification of medical control systems, and obtained "Taiwan SNQ Symbol of National Quality Certificate -funcare burner® patented formulaingot-shaped tablet", “Swiss CO2 Reduction Environmental Certification” and “SQS Switzerland—Quality of the National Food Safety Certification” to provide safe, natural and additive-free health food supplements. Moreover, products comply with the “additive-free” act announced by Japan’s “Ministry of Health and Welfare” (where the product absolutely does not contain the addition of 102 substances that may harm or elicit an allergic reaction in the human body.)
    With the high-quality raw materials strictly selected from Europe, the United States, Japan and other places, and the patented raw materials extracted from large GMP-PIC level pharmaceutical companies, funcare burner® Metabolism Series and Dietary Management Series are inspected by the SGS Taiwan. Results have confirmed that no heavy metal residuals, contamination, or western medicine are present, thereby providing consumers with safe health food products.
    ■Noguchi Medical Research Institute (Trust Award)
    American Financial Group - Noguchi Medical Research Institute was founded in University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, America in 1985, in honor of Doctor of Medicine, Noguchi Hideyo's contribution to human medicine.
    To ensure the customers' health maintenance and improvement, and further improve the certification of Quality Award andTrust Award, 101 doctors in Noguchi Medical Research Institute and over 200hospitals work together to examine and verify the product quality and packaging.
  • ■funcare burner obtains the patent certification in 143 regions and countries
    ………………………………………………………………………………………………………  ■ Natural formula obtainingrecommendation and awards from most hospitals anddoctors throughout the world
    ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ■funcare burner obtains the highest level of quality certification in the world
    GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) of US Food and Drug Administration/ HACCP Food Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point International Certification/ Swiss National Food Grade Regulation/
    Belgium Food and Drug Administration/ Denmark Food and Drug Administration/ Highest GMP-PIC Level Pharmaceutical Companies/ Swiss CO2 Reduction Environmental Certification/
    No-GMO Certification/ SQS Switzerland—Quality of the National Food Safety Certification 
    一、Milk Extract with weight loss reference

    1、Compositions and methods for treating or preventing overweight or obesity with zinc-charged protein  fragmentsSource:US pantent 7528108
    1)To take AX3, to increase ingestion but the body weight not increase
    2)To take AX3 for 11 days, the body weight from 163.5 ponds decrease 159 ponds.     (it almost reduce 2kg) 
    3)To take AX3 group, to find inhibit the insulin receptor.
    4)To take AX3, when treatment it, the fat droplet cell apoptosis.
    5)To take AX3 for 10 days, and diet-induced obesity, the non-uptake of AX3 peptide uptake AX3 body weight  compared with  significantly higher peptide
    6)Injection AX3 peptides even when the photo stills no significant increase in weight 
    7)Take of AX3 peptide rats 3 weeks after the body weight group was significantly less uptake of AX3
    8)When intake of AX3 peptide the liver fat droplet cell were lower than control group 
    9)To take AX3 peptide 60 days after the weight loss of about 7.3 kg
    10)Human intake AX3 peptide side take up to 15ml per day up to weight loss
    11)To oral AX3 Peptide 15ml / day for 31 days, average weight reduction of about 3.6 kg
    12)In the six tested persons, with an average reduction of about 8 kg, and BMI = 19 of the subjects who had  no influence
    13)For persons by measuring glucose tolerance test, using AX3 peptide of the subjects who used  their blood glucose levels than those without a stable AX3 peptide group

    1、牛乳抽出成分(AX3ペプチド)と亜鉛成分を用い、ある方法によって肥満や多重過多を予防(13項目の臨 床実験を含む。)することができます。
    1)AX3ペプチドを食用して6日後に測定すると、食べる量は増加したものの、ラットの體重には増加 が見ら れない。
    5)AX3ペプチドを使用して10日後飲食により體重を増加させた場合、AX3ペプチドを使用しない場合ほのうが 體重の増加が著しいことが判明。
    12)六名のモニター中、減少した體重は平均8㎏であり、またMBIは19人のモニターに影響が見られなかっ た。
    13)モニターに対するブドウ糖耐量測定では、AX3ペプチドを使用したモニターの血糖値が使用しない者よりも 安定することが判明。






    二、About the Mike extract(AX3 ) with others reference

    1、The Emerging Role of Dairy Proteins and Bioactive Peptides in Nutrition and Health
    Journal:0022-3166/04 $8.00 Ⓒ 2004 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.

    2、Zinc A2-Glycoprotein: A Multidisciplinary Protein
    Journal :Mol Cancer Res 2008;6(6). June 2008
    Zinc A2-Glycoprotein: A Multidisciplinary Protein
    Journal :Mol Cancer Res 2008;6(6). June 2008




    三、About FinomateTMEFLA 920 (Green Mate patented extract) and the weight loss related literature
    FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)とダイエットの関連文獻について

    1、Mate:green gold for weight loss
    Journal:J.Pang et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2008)
    グリーン特に脂肪率は體重を減らすことができます。脂肪細胞サイズの37%、皮下の脂肪細胞では22% 減少、肝臓、脂肪細胞が 9.3%減少し減少した

    2、Herbal Medicine, Expanded Commission E Monographs . Auntin, TX : American Botanical
    Council : Boston : Integrative Medicine Communications ( Blumenthal M. Goldberga, Brinckmann J ed.), 2000
    Journal:American Botanical Council :249-52
    ドイツ薬局方には、 FinomateTMEFLA 920 (グリーンメイトエキス)は糖及び脂肪分解効果があると記載されている

    3、Wichtl M., Bisset N.G. (1994) Herbal Drug and Phytopharmaceuticals 」 Mate Folium 」
    Journal:Medpharm Scientific Publishers Stuttgart:319-21
    ヨーロッパでは FinomateTMEFLA 920 (グリーンメイトエキス)は、「ウエイトコントロールできる緑色の黃金」と呼ばれて いる

    4、British Herbal Pharmacopoeia( BHP) 4TH ed. Monograph: Mate British Herbal Medicine Association Biddles Ltd., Guildford and King's Lynn 1996

    5、Wichtl, M. 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka: Ein Handbuch Fur die Praxis auf wissenschftlicher Grundlage, Stuttgart:Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft MBH
    ヨーロッパでは FinomateTMEFLA 920 (グリーンマテエキス)は理想的な減量製品として認められ、減量 中に起こる空腹感や喉の渇きを緩和する作用あり

    6、Thermogenic effects of commercially available plant preparations aimed at treating human obesity.
    Phytomedicine 1999 ; 6(4):231-8 ;
    Martinet A, Hostettmann K, Schutz Y, Thermogenic


    スイスのマーサー大學研究員による12種類の減量有効の薬用植物を使った人體実験では、唯一 FinomateTMEFLA 920 (グリーンメイトエキス)のみエネルギー反応を示しており、呼吸商(RQ)が低下 したことが明確で、 FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンメイトエキス)が體脂肪燃焼エネルギーを高めることを示し、そして體脂肪の減少と減量に有効であることが証明されている呼吸商(RQ)が低下し、新陳 代謝のためのエネルギーが高まったのは、體內脂肪が分解されたことに由來するものであることを示 し、FinomateTMEFLA 920 (グリーンメイトエキス)體脂肪を減らす効果があることが発見された

    7、Taylor L,2005, Yerba Mate. The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs.

    ブラジルでは、 FinomateTMEFLA 920 (グリーンマテエキス)は神経及び筋肉の運動システムおよび肥 満、消化などにも効果があると考えられている

    8、Bulletin offical 1990; Medicaments a』base de plants ( French Ministry of Health )-Supportive treatment of weight reduction program- Enhance renal elimination of water
    ヨーロッパでは FinomateTMEFLA 920 (グリーンマテエキス)は理想的な減量製品として認められ、減量 中に起こる空腹感や喉の渇きを緩和する作用あり

    9、FinomateTMEFLA 920 Green Mate Special Extract and weight loss –Lipase inhibition as a possible
    explanation ( by Tania Moccetti, Caesar B. Schmidlin)
    FinomateTMEFLA 920 (グリーンマテ抽出物)のリパーゼ抑制に関する研究報告
    Journal:AgroFOOD industry hi-tech September/October 2005 Anno 16-No. 5

    10、The weight and body fat reducing effect of GREEN MATE EXTRACT FinomateTMEFLA 920 Short
    summary of a clinical study conducted at the Obesity, Research Institute, Seoul Paik, Hospital, IM
    FinomateTMEFLA 920 (グリーンマテ抽出物)が體脂肪率を低下させ、またその安全性についての実験 (2005年12月において、 韓國済仁大學及びソウル病院肥満研究所のDr Kang, J.-Hによる臨床試験)
    PS.2007年12月発行の定期刊行物「韓國醫學」におい て発表された學術論文レポート


    11、Weight loss and delayed gastric emptying following a South American herbal preparation in overweight
    期刊:The British Dietetic Association Ltd. 2001 J Hum Nutr. Ditete, 14, pp 243-250
    FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)は、満腹感を感じる時間を延長することにより、減量効果 を発揮する。 (45日間で體重5.1±1.5kg)

    12、De Pasquale C ( 1991 ) Double-blind controlled clinical study of mate in subjects placed on a low-calorie
    diet Journal: Clin Dietol 18(1) : 27-38 i.
    FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)を低カロリーによる食事療法と組み合わせて応用するこ とも可能である

    13、Dietary supplements for body-weight reduction: a systematic review

    14、Obesity – an epidemic treated with herbal medicines By Yvonne Steigmeler, MSC, Medical & Scientific Documentation Nutraceuticals NOW SPRING 2003
    伝統的植物でもある FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンメイトエキス)は、ウエイトコントロールに用いられ





    四、About FinomateTMEFLA 920 (Green Mate patented extract) and the safety related literature
    FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)と安全に関する文獻について

    GRAS級認証-アメリカ食品・薬物管理局が製造業者が提供する添加物や原料素材に関してその成分、 特性、使用量、および 各毒性や安全性のテスト報告を行い、さらにこれを詳細に分析・審査後に與えられ る認証のこと。

    2、Wchtl , M(ed.) 2003. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. 3rd Edition.Stuttgart, Germany: Medpharm;
    Boca Raton, FL:CRC Press
    米國FDA以外にも、ベルギー、デンマーク、スイス、日本、イタリアなどの衛生管理機関の安全性審査を 経ている、米國にお いて FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)はGRAS級薬用植物に認定され ている

    3、EHIA. European Herbal Infusions Association. Inventory list of Herbals considered as Food. January
    2006年EHIAはヨーロッパ各地の植物使用歴史を記載した書物であり、 FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーン マテ抽出物)は、食用 減量補助の薬草として記載されている

    4、Flavouring substances and natural sources of flavourings. ( Blue Book ) 3rd ed. Council of Europe.
    Strasbourg ,
    1981年歐州會議の青書には FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)を天然安全食品に認定している

    5、Deutsches Lebensmittelbuch (DLB) Leitsatze fur Tee, teeahnliche Erzeugnisse , deren Extrakte und
    Zubereitungen, Vom2.12. 1998
    ( Banz Nr. 66a vom9.4. 1999,GMBI. Nr. 11S. 228 vom26. 4.1999)
    ドイツの食品規格によると FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)は、減量茶制剤と認定されている

    6、Lebensmittelverordnung ( LMV) 817.02 vom 1. Marz 1995 (Stand am22. Februar 2005)
    スイス國家食品規格により、 FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)は、減量補助茶類製品に認 定されている

    7、Green Mate Extract EFLA920:Acute Oral Toxicity Study in Rats Number 852328 Author : G. Arcelin ;
    Sponsor: Frutarom Switzerland Ruetiwisstrasse CH-8820 Waedenswil Switzerland Nov. 18-22, 2002
    FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーン マテ抽出物)の安全性テストを実施RCC Study

    8、Pittler, MH, Schmidt K, Ernst E. Adverse events of herbal food supplements for body weight
    reduction:systematic review.
    Obes Rev. 2005 May; 6(2):93-111
    において、 FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)は、他の評価対象よりもメリットが多かった




    五、Other information and journals published

    1、Paganini Stein, F.L. et al.」 Vascular responses to extractable fractions of llex paraguariensis in rat fed
    standard and high – cholesterol diets 「 Biol. Res. Nurs. 2005 Oct; 7(2): 142-56
    動物実験により FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)がマウスの中の血清コレステロール及び中 性脂肪を低下させることがわかった。

    2、Schinella G, Fantinelli JC, Mosca SM. Cardioprotective effects of llex paraguariensis extract: evidence for
    nitric exide – dependent mechanism. Clin Nutr. 2005 Jun; 24(3): 360-6
    実験により FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)は心臓を保護する効果があることがわかりまし た。

    3、Bixby M, Spieler L, Menini T, Gugliucci A. llex paraguariensis extracts are potent inhibitors of nitrosative
    stress: a comparative study with green tea and wine using a protein nitration model and mammalian cell
    cytotoxicity. Life Sci. 2005; 77(3):345-58Filip R., Lotito SB, Ferraro G, Fraga CG. Antioxidant activity of llex
    paraguariensis and related species 「 Nutr. Res. 2000;20(10): 1437-46
    FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)の抗酸化効果に関する研究文獻について。

    4、Gugliucci A, Antioxidant effects of llex paraguariensis: induction of decreased exidability of human LDL IN
    vivo. Biochem. Biophys . Res. Commun. 1996; 224 (2): 338-44
    FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)の高い抗酸化効果はマテの葉に含まれる迅速吸収可能な 抗酸化成分によるものです。

    5、Gugliucci, A. Stahl AJ. Low-density lipoprotein oxidation is inhibited by extracts of llex paraguariensis.
    Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. 1995; 35(1); 47-56
    FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)液體に浸す実験において酸化反応を抑制する効果があるこ とがわかり、特に LDL(low-density lipoprotein低密度リポタンパク質)の酸化に効果があります。

    6、Ilexparaguariensis extracts inhibit AGE formation more efficiently than green tea.Lunceford N, Gugliucci
    2005 Jul;76(5):419-27.
    試験管実験では、 FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)にタンパク質の糖化によって最終的に生 産される (AGEs)の形成を、抑制する効果があることがわかりました。2粒でAGEsに絶大な効果がありま
    生産される( AGEs)を形 成し、體內に殘留して全身の重要器官や細胞を老化させるほかに、動脈硬化、
    コラーゲンの交差連結が起こり、皮膚の弾力が 失われ、脂肪肝さらには癌発生のリスクとなります。

    7、For the preparation of Ilex tea antioxidant compounds for comparison, which Finomate FinomateTMEFLA 920
    (Green Madai patented extract) of antioxidants (chlorogenic acid, 2.800% ± 0.300 on dried wt.) Maximum
    冬青科のお茶化合物の抗酸化効果と比較して、FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)の抗酸化 成分含有量は最高になります(クロロゲン酸2.800%±0.300 on dried wt.)。

    8、Eur J Nutr. 2003 Jan;42(1):50-4.
    FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテ抽出物)はコール酸の排出を促し、血中コレステロール値を下げる効 果があります。

    9、Actis-Goretta L, Mackenzie GG, Oteiza PI, Fraga CG. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 May; 957:279-83
    FinomateTMEFLA 920(グリーンマテエキス)は酸化ストレスを抑制する効果があります。



    六、About Cinnamon (patent cinnamon extract) and carbohydrate metabolism and weight loss related literature

    1、Chromium and polyphenols from cinnamon improve insulin sensitivity
    Journal :Proceedings of the Nutrition Society (2008), 67, 48–53

    2、Antioxidant Effects of a Cinnamon Extract in People with Impaired Fasting Glucose That Are Overweight or
    Obese Journal:Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 28, No. 1, 16-21 (2009) Published by the
    American College of Nutrition
    特許取得済みのシナモンエキスは、肥満によるインスリン抵抗性、空腹時の血糖値、過酸化脂質などを改 善する効果があります。

    3、Effects of a Water-Soluble Cinnamon Extract on Body Composition and Features of the Metabolic Syndrome
    in Pre-Diabetic Men and Women
    Journal:Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 3(2): 45-53, 2006.
    特許取得済みシナモンエキスは、2型糖尿病及びメタボリックシンドロームを改善し、また12周間連続で 體脂肪(0.7%)減少させ、筋肉の量を増やす結果がでています。

    4、Effects of a cinnamon extract on plasma glucose, HbA, and serum lipids in diabetes mellitus type 2.
    Journal:Eur J Clin Invest 2006; 36 (5): 340 -344.

    七、Guarana such information and journals published

    1、Roth L,Daunderer M,Kormann K ,Giftpflanzen ,Pflanzengifte , 4.Aufl , Ecomed Fachverlag Landsberg Lech
    1993. 「Guaiacum officinale」Guarana can help promote vitality,Smooth defecation and urination .
    To reduce fatigue and increase basal metabolic rate、 increase energy consumption

    2、The Guarana use in Diabetes Mellitus, Postprandial blood sugar, urine sugar, hyperlipidemia and adjustment
    of indigestion.
    ガラナエキスは、古くから糖尿病、食後の血糖値、高脂血症、及び消化不良の治療方法として用いられて いました。

    3、Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel ,5.Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. MbH Stuttgart 1997.」Guarana-Paullinia
    ガラナエキスは、ホメオパシー醫療において、疲労回覆、食欲や喉の渇きを抑制し、頭痛、生理不順、 消化不良、利尿、興奮剤、循環促進に効果があるものとして用いられています。


    八、About Cinnamon (patent cinnamon extract) and carbohydrate metabolism and weight loss related literature

    1、PDR FOR HERBAL MADICINES p244」Damiana」

    2、The traditional in use hormone balance and decrease anxiety

Acupuncture point therapy diagram